Friday, May 14, 2010

Robert Pattinson: A South Africa GQ-tie

While it's possible Breaking Dawn may be filmed without Kellan Lutz or Ashley Greene, Twilight Saga fans can at least rest assured:

Robert Pattinson isn't going anywhere.

In fact, he'll soon be popping up everywhere, making the media rounds in anticipation of the June 30 Eclipse premiere. Look for Robert, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner to appear on Oprah tomorrow.

But look no further to simply gawk at Pattinson. He covers the latest issue of South Africa GQ, as does this breaking news: BEIGE IS BACK.

German GQ Cover

Photo from GQSo Darn HandsomeLook Up!

Click to enlarge, and drool over, these photos of Robert Pattinson.

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