Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jesse James Blames Affairs on Past Child Abuse

We've already seen several clips of Jesse James baring his soul to Good Morning America and Nightline, but they saved the strongest revelation for the full interview.

Last night, James admitted that he was the victim of abuse as a child, and that the shame of that drove him to cheat on Sandra Bullock and destroy their marriage.

Anybody buying it?

"I was a terrorized kid," James said of beatings from his dad.

"I was petrified of my dad," he continued. "It wasn't so much getting the $h!t beat out of me or getting my arm broken or getting kicked or whatever or punched, it was all the in-between time. It was the fear of that happening again."

As a result of his lack of self-worth, he said, "I grew up with a huge amount of shame and fear and abandonment on my shoulders from a very young age, and I think, you know, the way my mind rationalized [cheating]."

Sad SandraPoor Jesse

Is Jesse James' troubled past to blame for his troubled present?

"'I thought, 'Well, you know, I might as well do whatever I can to, like, run her off, 'cause she is going to find out what I am anyway and leave me anyway.'"

Again ... anybody buying it?

Jesse James, who says he wanted to get caught, added, "The struggle within myself for the things that I did ... to damage marriage and my life, it's all me. I'm doing this because, you know, I've basically never felt good enough for anyone."

"He beat my ass pretty good a bunch of times," James said of his father, Larry, who raised him after his parents divorced. "I just remember, like, the clinched teeth, a strained-neck look on his face. My whole childhood, I was always scared."

Larry James tells ABC his son's allegations of abuse are not true. Regardless, do you view Sandra's soon-to-be-ex in a different light since these interviews?

Do you forgive Jesse?

A little
No chance
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Either way, child abuse is no joke, and we certainly feel bad for James. Blaming his behavior on it may be suspect, but the emotional scars may never heal.

Follow the jump for a clip of Jesse talking about his childhood ...

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