Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pop-Ed: Lindsay Lohan Can Get Her Career Mojo Back

It wasn't that long ago that Lindsay Lohan was considered a rising young star, and a look at her IMDb profile reveals some surprises.

Remember how good she was in Tina Fey's 'Mean Girls?' That was only six years ago. Even in a clunker like 2005's 'Herbie: Fully Loaded,' you could see Lohan's star potential -- even if you were too distracted by her chest to care about whatever else was going on in the movie.

So, despite everything that's gone on in her life recently -- including getting dumped from her latest movie, 'The Other Side' -- there's still plenty of time for LiLo to get her career mojo back. However, it's going to take a few steps for her to do it. Here's what we think she needs to do to turn it all around:

1. Bow to the altar of Oprah. The quick path to career rehab almost always seems to go through Harpo studios. Lohan would be the latest in a long line of celebs with soiled reputations to go on Oprah Winfrey's show and get a tough, but fair and sympathetic, interview.
When Whitney Houston needed a boost in her comeback, she talked to Oprah. When Jay Leno needed to tell America that he didn't stab Conan in the back, he gave the big O a call. And when McKenzie Phillips decided to tell the world that she had a sexual relationship with her father, she didn't mess with some tabloid -- she broke the news on 'Oprah.' There's a precedent here that Lindsay needs to pay attention to. When you want the world to see your side of a controversial story, you pull up a seat on Oprah's couch.

Imagine a cleaned-up LiLo, looking fantastic and confident, answering questions from Oprah about what she was thinking, for instance, when she decided to step out on the town with some weird powder covering her feet. And imagine Lindsay actually answering Oprah honestly. If that's not a big first step, I don't know what is.

2. Take a cue from Sandra Bullock about controlling your image. Sandra Bullock is a huge star, just won an Oscar and is going through a very public and painful divorce. But, somehow, she's not only been in full control of who takes her picture and when, she also
managed to keep the adoption of a baby boy a secret.

There's a lesson here, and it's one that most celebrities either don't or won't learn: you can be a public person and keep your private life private. Sure, it takes some street smarts and a lot of effort, but if Lohan wanted to go underground, she could. She could muzzle her wacky parents somehow, either by offering money, giving them a fake job to keep them quiet or threatening to sue. She could go where she knows there won't be any paparazzi, or she could simply stop leaking word to the paps where's she's going to be and when. When a celebrity takes control of her media exposure, the perceived tawdriness of their lives magically disappears.

3. Do more Funny or Die parody videos. Didn't you gain a little bit of respect for LiLo after she did this video for Funny or Die?


She should do a few more videos like this. In the span of a minute and a half, she acknowledged and made fun of just about every sticky situation she's put herself in during the last few years. It's also a good way to show that her comedic chops are still in good shape. The more we think she has a sense of humor about herself, the more people will forgive her sins.

4. Shrug your shoulders and say, "Whaddya gonna do?" Again, it's about Lohan getting in front of the news, not trailing behind the tabloids and paparazzi. Even if she does the three steps above, there's still potential for her to screw up. When she does, all she needs to do is look the press straight in their lenses and say, "Oh, well. Lesson learned." The more she tries to hide from her "bad girl" image, the worse it is going to be portrayed.

What do you think it'll take for Lindsay Lohan to rehab her career? Or is she a lost cause?

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