Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kate Gosselin on Parenting: Help Me!!!!!!!!!

Kate Gosselin has her hands full with eight kids. For once, we sympathize.

The reality mom, who was recently sent packing from Dancing with the Stars, has returned to parenting duties, and blogs that she's more referee than mom.

Describing fights among her youngins, she says: "Help! Where is my referee uniform??? Honestly, this is every minute of every day in a house with eight kids!"

"OK, I'll admit it. There are the sweet moments of love and compassion to balance these never-ending stressful encounters, but for some reason, these unloving loud outbursts are what I tend to remember," adds the recently-divorced Kate.

How does she stop the bickering (wonder where they get it from)?

Kate is Irate

Kate Plus 8 ... fights per hour. [Photo:]

"I'm to the point where I hold up my hand and say, 'I'm not the complaint department, and I don't like how black and white stripes look on me, so go work it out."

"If you can't, I'll help you.' And I leave it to them," writes Gosselin.

She "mentally devises" how she'll deal with her sextuplets, who just turned six, and twins before "the next time I hear the stampede of unrest coming my way."

Sometimes, she even considers "running in the other direction and hiding," she admits of the "emotionally tiring and time consuming" task of raising children. "And there are many more jungle outbursts to be handled, ... Help me!!!!!!!!"

Jon Gosselin? Hello? You out there somewhere?

Get out of Ellen Ross' bed and help Kate out.

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