Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bret Michaels Loves Porn, Thanks Higher Power

You've gotta love Bret Michaels.

A couple days after telling Oprah just what his brain hemorrhage felt like, the rocker opened up to Rolling Stone about what he was doing when it hit:

"I was going back and forth from SportsCenter to Busty Cops 3. Maybe that's what did it!"

Ha! Good old, dirty, honest Bret.

Bret M.

Still in contention for the title on Celebrity Apprentice, whose finale airs Sunday, Michaels has a message for his fellow finalists:

"None of them thought I was going to get out of bed... I said it on the show: Don't mistake my kindness for weakness."

As for how he's survived, Bret only has one theory: God must be a a fan of classic rock and reality TV.

"I'm just appreciative to be here and have such great family around me, great friends and a great medical team," Michaels said. "[I] thank the good Lord or guardian angel - whoever is watching over me - that it didn't take me out."

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