Sunday, January 17, 2010

Prince Williams flies into Auckland. NO ONE CARES.

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Only about a dozen people turned up this morning to see Prince William fly into Auckland.

The small crowd displeased one Australian television crew so much, it decided to make up its own signs and hand them out.
A reporter from Channel Nine's Today show was asked by her bosses to find some fans holding signs. When she couldn't, the reporter says she was told by the studio in Sydney to "make some up herself".
The Channel Nine reporter wrote signs in pen saying "I love William" and gave them to a small group of women. The reporter then did a live cross in front of the signs but did not mention they were her own creation.
The reporter told the ABC it was a "light hearted running joke on breakfast television" and the signs will not be on the news tonight.

Prince William is in New Zealand for three days before flying on to Australia.


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