Thursday, January 28, 2010

Source: Tiger and Elin Woods to Remain Married

We've debated if sex rehab can help Tiger Woods salvage his marriage and be a better man. The latter is up for debate, but it seems to have done the former.

Despite his astounding string of sexual exploits, Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren, has called off any plans to divorce the world's #1 golfer, according to reports.

Elin spent last week visiting Tiger in his sex addiction rehab program. Time and Tiger's actions since the scandal broke prompted her not to file for divorce.

Sources say initially, Elin Woods made up her mind to dump her husband after he was linked to more countless mistresses and his secret life was revealed.

But Tiger has begged for a second chance, sought treatment to save his marriage with the help of sex addiction therapy and so far it seems to be working.

"He's told her he's serious about making it work and doing whatever he can," the source said. "The stress has taken a big toll, but she's a strong woman."

Elin Woods and Tiger Woods

Somehow, it looks like Tiger Woods' marriage will survive.

A big reason for her eventual willingness to reconcile? Elin Woods, a child of divorce herself, doesn't want to raise their two little children without a father.

"Elin wants a solid family life," according to a Florida insider, and Tiger wants to hold onto his family and will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

"Tiger wants to go back to being a golf star with endorsements," a source told People. "But keeping the family together is the most important thing to Tiger so he is doing whatever it takes to keep Elin from leaving him with the kids."

Even go through a six-week counseling session in which he comes clean about all his dalliances - and then some - with his spouse right there with him.

Not that there are many secrets left, after Elin's texting with Rachel Uchitel blew the lid off his affair and the tabloids uncovered another 11 mistresses.

"This is the rough part where the patient has to admit that he [cheated]," a former patient of the Mississippi clinic where Tiger is being treated says.

It looks like it's working though. Rebuilding his image will be another story ...

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