Thursday, January 28, 2010

Will Sex Addiction Rehab Help Tiger Woods?

Is Tiger Woods really a sex addict, or is he just using his stint in rehab as part of a carefully-managed plan to rehab his career? Is sex addiction even real?

Come on, you know you're thinking it too. Tiger was packaged as a upstanding family man for years, why should we assume anything he does is genuine?

You certainly can't give him the benefit of the doubt. On the flip side, if Tiger truly wants to stay married, seeking some kind of treatment is the way to go.

Is Tiger an actual sex addict? We can't say.

If sex addiction rehab in Mississippi is just a vehicle for regaining his wife's trust, though, then so be it. As for whether sex addiction is a real thing, it is.

The New York Times magazine scribe who confirmed Tiger is being treated at Pine Grove is a recovering sex addict himself, and has penned books on it.

Pure Pain

Also, Dr. Shari Corbitt, senior executive director at Promises in Malibu, tells E's Answer Bitch that "the chemicals that are released in the brain when people are acting out with sex dependency are every bit as powerful as any substance."

Reports have indicated that Elin Woods - whose texts to Rachel Uchitel exposed the first of what became many Tiger mistresses - has been visiting Tiger.

If the visitation reports are true, it makes sense, addiction experts say, because spouses are usually intimately involved in an addiction recovery process.

"Couples therapy is a huge part of the treatment," says Corbitt, whose Promises facilities also treat sex addiction when paired with substance abuse. "

It would actually be odd if she weren't visiting."

As for what exactly the couple might be doing, experts say it likely starts with Tiger admitting EVERYTHING he did. That would be a long-ass meeting.

What do you think? Is he a lost cause at this point, or is there a light at the end of Woods' addictive tunnel? Can sex addiction rehab help Tiger?

Yes, he will become a better man!
No, once a cheater, always a cheater!
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