Saturday, January 23, 2010


Here is the trailer for the Japanese release of The Adventures Of Merlin season one dvd. It is very Arthur central and Morgana is featured heavily as well, with action taking a pivotal role and mostly ignoring the humor of season one in favor of making it a more guy friendly show I guess would be one way to look at it ?

And the quite cool looking cover -

The release date is 10 th February 2010.

Also, at the end of season one in Japan they have an actual song instead of the theme music.

"BBC drama 'Merlin' Japanese-dabbed version has original endhing theme.Norimasa Fujiwara, who is called a prince of pop-opera, sings."

The ending theme is "Kimi ga Omoide ni kawaru made"(Till you change into memories") . It's in his second album 'Appassionato' as a bonus track.

Pop-opera is a new genre which mixs popular music and opera. Fujiwara, whose parents are vocalists, is a newcomer debuted in 2008. His debut song is here for you to get an idea of what the song style and what his singing is like.

Source - and情熱の歌~-初回限定盤-DVD付-藤澤ノリマサ/dp/samples/B002POEO1U/ref=dp_tracks_all_1#disc_1

and also -

IMO I love the Japanese dvd cover and looks the best out of all the season one dvd sets seen online. It is interesting how they are focusing on the Arthur and Morgana relationship and more Arthur himself than Merlin who is the main star of the show, but then again Bradley has the blonde hair and pale skinned look that seems quite popular in the anime films and comics.

What do you guys think will happen in season three ? Death of a main character ? Merlin to reveal his magic to someone finally ? Gwen and Morgana getting more screen time ?

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