Friday, January 22, 2010

Bristol Plain Wants a Piece of Levi Johnston

Single mom Bristol Palin wants her baby daddy to support their kid.

Specifically, that means she is angling for some of the money generated by the recent Levi Johnston nude Playgirl photos and subsequent media blitz.

Court documents filed by Bristol's lawyer Wednesday in Alaska demand $1,750 a month from Levi - retroactive to the birth of son Tripp on December 27, 2008.

According to the filing, Bristol Palin believes Levi pulled in "in excess of $105,000 in 2009 through various media interviews and modeling related activities."

In other words, peeps paid Levi Johnston to get naked! That's what he does.

Bristol and Levi Photo

Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin in happier, fake-engaged times.

Bristol says in a statement, "I have received limited and sporadic financial assistance from Levi." Bristol says Levi forked over only $4,400 over the 13 months of Tripp's existence - $3,000 on September 9, 2009, $1,400 on December 19.

Pretty weak, dude. Way to support your kid.

Bristol Palin is seeking temporary support for lil' Tripp, pending permanent child support. In the meantime, maybe hit up mom Sarah for some book royalties?

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