Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blind Item REVEALS

This fairly young C list television actress who used to be B and also has had her shot at movies as a lead walked into a show this week. She had arranged for a front row seat, but when she walked in and saw all kinds of Real Housewives mess she decided that she was waaay too good for them. She decided to share this information with the rest of the tent and said it very loudly and very clearly so the whole place could hear. She then turned around and walked out. Of course at the rate of one project a year for our actress she probably should have stayed and asked if she could guest star on their show.

Amanda Bynes
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This C list television actress who has been in very few movies is set to be a lead in a sure fire television hit set to air very, very soon. She was overheard at a party answering the following question. "So, is this married C list actress (A list name recognition) with the celebrity husband going to be killed off anytime soon. The reply. "I sure hope so and I know the rest of the cast hopes so as well."

#1 - C list actress
#2 - Married C list actress
#3 - Celebrity husband
#4 - Television show.

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#1 - Jessica Lucas
#2 - Ashlee Simpson
#3 - Pete Wentz
#4 - Melrose Place


so much for the sure fire hit part of it.

Currently, and I mean only currently this television actress is probably a B-. As soon as her show gets canceled, and it will, she will be thrown back into obscurity. Hopefully. She does have a fairly famous boyfriend so she might stick around to torture the world. Anyway, she was at a show and was overheard saying how she hated 95% of the crap that the designer showed but that she would still like to get the other 5% of the stuff for free and that is the only reason she was there. Unfortunately for the actress, the designer heard every word and made sure to tell our actress that her work was 100% crap.


So what do you do if you are a brand new C list celebutard who in your mind thinks you are A list? Why you go up to women and start hitting on them and generally making an ass of yourself. This is especially evident when you walk up to a C+/B- list television actress from a hit for this network drama who is already known for not being friendly and who responds to the horrible pick up lines by saying, "Who in the f**k are you? Are you 12?" When the celebutard answered her our actress just laughed and turned away and told our celebutard to find someone else. Our celebutard then walked away with his bodyguard in tow. Yes, he really has a bodyguard and it really is funny.

Annalynne Mccord = Actress (Celebutard=Levi Johnson)
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This engagement is fairly new, but I definitely smell trouble. This Golden Globe nominated/winner B list movie actress has been entertaining a fairly steady stream of men at her fiance's home. Her fiance is a B list television actor on a very hit show. He must know this is going on as our actress doesn't hide what she has been doing and with whom but our actor doesn't seem to care.

Emily Blunt & John Krasinski
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What married with child/ren barely an A list movie actor is very quiet on planes. It isn't so much that he is quiet but rather that he will not talk to the flight attendants or any passengers who approach him. When the flight attendant asks him for a drink he has either told his assistant ahead of time or whispers it to his assistant who passes it along to the flight attendant. This is repeated throughout the flight. If a passenger comes up to him during the flight, the assistant talks for the actor and the actor either nods or shakes his head in response to autograph requests. Oh, he does make exceptions for very attractive women.

Dennis Quaid
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This Emmy nominated former B list actor and now C list movie actor was seen in a Vancouver restaurant over the weekend. Our actor was with a blonde who was less than a third his age and who seemed to have one function. The function was to let men look down the top of her dress which was encouraged by our actor. Throughout the time he was at the restaurant he also leered at every woman that walked by his table. Our actor's date didn't seem to mind in the least. Oh, and our actor has an arrest record and has not been kind to women in the past.

John Heard
john heard Pictures, Images and Photos

This Academy Award winner/nominee actress who does a mix of television and movies has a best friend who recently got married. Her friend is a special education teacher for a school which does not pay their employees very much. The friend married a man who is also a teacher at the school. The original plan was for the couple to just get married at their home and have a very tiny reception and not even a honeymoon as they are trying to save whatever dollars they earn for a home. Well, our actress gave them and paid for the wedding of a lifetime as well as a reception, the honeymoon and even gave them $50K towards their house.

Anna Paquin!!!
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What do you do when you are promoting a movie and two of the biggest names in the movie can't stand each other? Well usually they just smile and pretend, but this B list movie actress and B list movie actor dislike each other so much they refuse to even be at the same premiere let alone walk the red carpet together or pose for any pictures.

Rachel Weisz & Mark Wahlberg
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What mom and former A list television actress and now a C list joke answered her front door to trick or treaters in a shirt that exposed all when she reached for candy. Moms and dads were not amused. OK, well maybe the dads were amused. I mean she is again but they probably still took a look.

Pam Anderson

At a recent movie premiere this married foreign born B-/C+ list movie actor appeared to out this former A list tweener and now B list movie actor. At the premiere our foreign born actor said to a group of people standing next with him, "well you know ______ is gay." He said it very loudly and in the same room as the former tweener, although he wasn't overheard by the former tweener. The former tweener's C list actress girlfriend was not in attendance but ourforeign born B- list movie actress wife was.

#1 - foreign born actor
#2 - former tweener
#3 - former tweener's girlfriend
#4 - foreign born actor's wife

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#1 - Hugh Darcy
#2 - Zac Efron
#3 - Vanessa Hudgens
#4 - Claire Danes


Spectacular is the one word to describe today's blind. This A list female celebrity chef was overheard in a restaurant the other day. Nothing unusual about that right? I mean people are nosy and we strain our ears. Well, it turns out this celebrity chef who is married was discussing an affair she recently had with this B list male singer with A list name recognition and reputation. She wasn't shy about discussing the details either. I mean explicit, graphic details about what the two did to each other. Nothing out of the ordinary, but definitely not shy in recounting every last act. It does appear to have been a one time thing, but this is totally not what you expect from our chef and the image she tries to portray to the public.

John Mayer
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This A list female country singer was hired to shoot a video of her just talking. She was given the script ahead of time and had cue cards at the ready. She came in the morning after a concert in a nearby town and was put in hair and makeup. A room was especially decorated for her to shoot the video in. The building was cleared for only essential people and the camera started rolling. And rolling. And rolling. Because for all of her posturing and songs of "I am a strong, smart woman" our singer couldn't even read her cue cards right. Also, "uh" is one of the main words in her vocabulary. The crew, ever the professionals, stuck it out waiting for her to get her few lines right. After a few hours, the director called it a day and said they have what they need and proceeds to try to edit those few lines into something passable. He had to use a lot more video of her singing then he thought he would but he made it work.

Carrie Underwood
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mods, hopefully the pics are fixed - they work fine for me

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