Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ted Nugent: Barack Obama Belongs in Jail!

In 2004, Ted Nugent gave an interview in which he said homosexuality was "morally wrong."

A year later, the rocker was sued for child support for failing to pay the woman with whom he had a baby out of wedlock.

This irony and hypocrisy is worth noting in light of the recent comments Nugent made to some magazine called Royal Flush. Speaking to the publication, he said of the President:

"I think that Barack Hussein Obama should be put in jail. It is clear that Barack Hussein Obama is a communist. Mao Tse Tung lives and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. This country should be ashamed. I wanna throw up."

Ted NugentNobel Peace Prize Winner

Such a viewpoint elicits two responses from a rational individual:

  1. The only "evidence" any critic can cite that Obama is, indeed, a Communist would be the fact that he's daring to reform health care.
  2. Even if one were to somehow acknowledge this bizarre supposition, Nugent might wanna look up the First Amendment. The same passage that allows him to utter these words would also allow anyone to hold the views of Communism without legal repercussions.

Putting aside Nugent's clear lack of sanity, do you agree with his accusation? Is Barack Obama a Communist?

Yes, he wants to reform health care!
No, people are ignorant morons!
View Results

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