Monday, December 28, 2009

Jon Gosselin's Apartment Ransacked By Knife-Wielding Maniac; Hailey Glassman to Blame?

Jon Gosselin's apartment in New York City was vandalized on Saturday, and the perpetrator left a note behind with his ex Hailey Glassman's name on it.

When Jon returned home, cops say stuff was missing and a "butcher knife wielding maniac" had sliced and diced the entire place into a million pieces.

A note was left behind with Hailey Glassman signed at the bottom - the knife was stuck through the note - and whoever wrote it is not a big fan of his.

A source says the word "cheater" was carved into his bed's headboard.

Of course, someone else could have easily signed her name ... but the apartment is listed under both their names, and she just moved out last week.

Jon Gosselin has filed a complaint with police.

Jon: SmokedH-Glass

Did Hailey Glassman trash Jon Gosselin's place?!

Jon's attorney, Mark Jay Heller, said later in the day that Jon found his "shoes, shirts, luggage, bed, curtain, rugs and other furnishings" had been slashed.

Moreover, his TV, CD player, coffee maker, Nintendo Wii, dishes, pots and pans were taken. Heller also says a valuable Ming vase was "smashed to pieces."

Jon's attorney says the NYPD has fingerprinted and photographed the scene, and Jon is not taking it lightly. He wants felony charges brought in the case.

One would think Hailey Glassman had the means and the motive to trash Jon's place, having lived there and having recently broken up with the douchebag.

Since they broke up, she's made her bitter feelings known, even going on a rant a few days ago about Jon owing her rent for the apartment in question.

She also has a bit of a wild, troubled past in general. And the 22-year-old has reportedly retained an attorney, Stephanie Ovadia, to represent her. Hmm.

Just the same, there's no proof ... yet: "The note will be forensically analyzed by a handwriting expert," says Heller, declining to comment further on it.

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