Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bristol Palin to Levi Johnston: No Custody For You!

Unlike tens of thousands of Playgirl subscribers who flocked to see pictures of Levi Johnston nude, Bristol Palin wants nothing to do with her baby daddy.

A heated custody battle between Levi and Bristol is heating up after she petitioned for sole custody over their son Tripp, who just turned one yesterday.

The request by Bristol Palin for sole custody was made public after a Superior Court judge ruled last week against keeping the court proceedings closed.

A temporary order authorized the use of pseudonyms while the court handled the request, as no good "could result to the child by an onslaught of media."

Levi Johnston pushed for open court proceedings - there's a shocker!

"I feel more comfortable in a public courtroom which will help everyone stay civil and be on their best behavior," the media whore said in a statement.

Levi and Bristol Photo

RNC-YA! Bristol dumped Levi shortly after the '08 campaign.

Levi is seeking shared custody and denies claims by Bristol Palin that he has been avoiding his parental responsibilities, according to multiple reports.

In addition to sole custody, Bristol requested child support and asked that Johnston's mother, Sherry, not be allowed unsupervised visits with Tripp.

Sherry Johnston was busted for dealing drugs earlier this year.

"The best interests of the child compel the conclusion that Bristol should be awarded 100 percent legal and physical custody of Tripp, with visitation rights in favor of Levi," Bristol's attorney Thomas V. Van Flein said in court papers.

Bristol and Johnston conveniently broke off their fake engagement, concocted to make Sarah Palin look less terrible during the 2008 presidential campaign after the news of Bristol's pregnancy broke, shortly after Tripp was born.

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