Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mythbusters' Erik Gates Passes Away

Erik Gates, who made numerous appearances on the show Mythbusters, died recently after a freak accident in which he fell 30 feet from a building to his death.

Mythbusters is a Discovery Channel favorite and Erik Gates made regular visits to the show, where he also founded a website dedicated to his rocketry work.

Not many details are available at this time, but it is believed that Gates was walking across the roof of a building which he and a colleague were working on.

Reports are suggesting that Erik Gates fell through a skylight and suffered blunt force injuries, which he was then taken to hospital and later passed away.

This tragic loss of life is just the latest in a long string of sad celebrity deaths of 2009. We wish Erik's family and friends the best as they cope with his loss.

Erik Gates Picture

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