Monday, December 28, 2009

Shady Simon Monjack Still Blabbing, Raising Doubts

He's accused of fraud, running up huge debts, running afoul with the law, compulsively lying and putting lovers through hell. Simon Monjack, everybody!

Brittany Murphy's British husband, whose seedy past has once again sparked speculation after her death last Sunday, wants to set the record straight.

"My world was destroyed," said Monjack, who revealed that he and the 32-year-old actress were planning to start a family. "I have not slept in days."

Under different circumstances, it would be impossible not to take his words at face value: he's a grief-stricken husband who had lost the love of his life.

You may wonder, though, why Simon Monjack has talked to pretty much any newspaper, TV show and gossip publication so soon after his wife died.

Normally this comes much later. But how many bereaved husbands have to defend themselves against allegations like those faced by Simon Monjack?

When you're nicknamed "Con-Jack," that's usually not a good sign.

The Monjacks

How did Brittany Murphy end up with this guy?

He's accused of credit card fraud, running up massive debts, visa violations and getting Murphy fired from her last film after showing up drunk on set.

"I know I have been called a conman," he admits. "I am not perfect. I never said I was. But there is so much rubbish written about me and Brittany."

Hence Simon's decision to engage in what some might describe as a personal PR campaign even before Miss Murphy was laid to rest on Christmas Eve.

Despite his denials of any wrongdoing, the question many in Hollywood are asking is: how did the beautiful and talented Brittany Murphy ever get involved with the overweight Monjack, whose talents as a "screenwriter" are dubious?

Murphy, it seems, fit into a familiar pattern. She was rich, obviously, but also very vulnerable (Monjack denies she overdosed or had an eating disorder).

Before Murphy, reports say there were a string of other women who, in one way or another, came to regret ever meeting the charming Simon Monjack.

Continue reading in the UK's Daily Mail ...

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