Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Cost of the Tiger Woods Scandal: $12 Billion!

Copay for doctor's office visit to get checked for STDs? $20. Body shop work on the Escalade? $8,100. New 7-iron? $99. Potential net loss for sponsors? $12 billion.

Entertainment value for celebrity gossip sites? Priceless!

So it goes for the Tiger Woods, who's become a one-man stimulus package for gossip magazines and websites worldwide, but a sinkhole for his own sponsors.

According to a study by two economics professors, Woods' sponsors (those who haven't dumped him) are really feeling the fallout of his recent sex scandal.

Tiger may have cost the companies he endorses as much as $12 billion between the time he wrecked his SUV Thanksgiving night and now, they theorize.

Fittingly, that's about one billion for each of Tiger Woods' women!

The Big Winner

A BIG WINNER: Well, for us. For Nike and Gatorade, he's the opposite.

Nike, Gatorade and EA Sports were hit hardest as a result of their carefully worded vows of support for the cheater extraordinaire, losing a total of $6 billion.

Just imagine if Tiger and Rachel Uchitel are really still together, which has been reported more than once in the past week or so. Better unload stock now!

Fortunately, Accenture managed to escape their Woods association with no negative financial effects to their company. Then again, they pulled Tiger's ads.

The question is, now that the shock value of Tiger's mistresses has started to fade a bit, will Woods be able to redeem and redefine his image? If so, how?

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