Thursday, December 31, 2009

lil archie posts video blog, says "thank you" a whole bunch

David Archuleta ends a decade, turns 19, is apparently starting work on an album next month, remains weirdly childlike:


Is his posting name seriously "Arch Angel"? Be sure to check the comments for a nice round of creepiness, considering a large majority of Archuleta fans are middle aged ladies.

Time Warner Company to stop carrying FOX unless agreement is reached

Long term deals with FOX’s television stations in New York, Los Angeles, Austin, Dallas, Detroit, Orlando and Tampa are expiring on December 31st. More than 13 million households and 30 million people from New York to Los Angeles stand to lose some of America’s most popular entertainment including many of Fox’s cable channels, such as FX, SPEED, FUEL TV, Fox Movie Channel, Fox Reality Channel, Fox Soccer Channel, Fox Sports en Español, and FS Arizona, Florida, Houston, Indiana, Kansas City, Midwest, Southwest, West, and Prime Ticket, SportSouth, and Sun Sports unless we reach a fair agreement soon.

Fox programming included in the proposal has something for virtually everyone, everywhere – appealing to viewers who are passionate about Award-winning original dramas and comedies; live National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, NASCAR, National Hockey League, and Major League Soccer games; international sports competitions; racing; action-sports; and Spanish-language sports programming.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, Time Warner Cable (TWC) unleashed an advertising blitz announcing its intention to “get tough” with programmers by refusing to play fair with programmers. The campaign masquerades as a grassroots effort to enlist viewer participation. But unfortunately it is full of distortions. Here are the biggest Myths and Facts from this campaign.

Myth: If programmers weren’t asking for fair value compensation, consumers’ cable rates would be lower.

Fact: Cable companies have been raising rates on consumers for years. In good economic times, rates have gone up. In the recent recession, rates have still gone up. Even if Fox does not receive fair value compensation for its content cable bills are likely to still go up. In fact, in some markets Time Warner Cable has announced 20% rate increases while simultaneously threatening to “get tough” with programmers.

Myth: TWC provides its customers broadcast network signals for free as part of their basic cable package, so it’s not right for TWC to have to pay for something it gives away.

Fact: TWC actually charges a significant fee for broadcast networks as part of their Basic Cable package. In fact, on TWC’s own pricing guide, “Broadcast” is broken out as a separate line item. TWC charges its subscribers as much as $36 per month for the 6 broadcast networks. Not one penny of that is being shared with Fox.

Myth: If cable companies like TWC pay fair value for the programming provided by broadcasters and other content providers, it will “force” them to raise cable fees for consumers.

Fact: TWC is a successful, profitable business (thanks in part to the money they make off of broadcasters’ content). It can surely afford to fairly compensate broadcasters for that content without raising rates. Just how profitable is TWC? TWC’s operating profit in 2008 exceeded $6 billion. TWC is on track to finish 2009 with nearly $2 billion in free cash flow – up 20% over the previous year. So far this year, TWC has generated more than $8 billion in subscription revenues from video alone and its programming costs represent only 22% of those revenues. In the past quarter alone, TWC generated monthly service revenues of $69 per month per video subscriber, while its average programming cost per subscriber was $26. That is a profit contribution of more than $43 per video sub per month. Overall, the company achieved an operating profit margin of 36% in its last reported quarter.

Myth: The compensation being sought by programmers like FOX is “exorbitant” and “unreasonable.”

Fact: The compensation being sought for the FOX stations is entirely reasonable. Based on the comparable cost of our programming, the Fox stations could charge $4-5 per subscriber per month. TNT gets $1 per subscriber, but spends about 80% less on programming than FOX. And if one looks at the ratings FOX and its stations get relative to cable networks, the value would actually be closer to $10 per subscriber. Moreover, FOX attracts more viewers than the five most expensive cable networks combined (ESPN, TNT, USA, ESPN2 and NFL Net). The bottom line is that the Fox stations feature some of the nation’s most-watched programming with shows such as 24, American Idol, House, Glee, and The Simpsons, as well as the most compelling sports on television with the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and NASCAR. The price being asked for as compensation for all this value is extremely reasonable.

Myth: Broadcasters like FOX are already receiving fair compensation for their programming.

Fact: The broadcast television business is suffering because broadcast networks are competing on an uneven playing field with cable networks. Cable networks have two streams of revenue: advertising and fees paid by distributors. Broadcasters like FOX have the single stream of advertising. This has allowed cable networks like ESPN to get a leg up to purchase the rights to content like Monday Night Football and The BCS Championship Series – which means that tens of millions of Americans who can’t afford or choose not to subscribe to cable or satellite miss this event programming. The future of free, over-the-air broadcast programming requires broadcasters to compete on a level playing field – which means getting fair value compensation from cable companies like Time Warner Cable.

Myth: Consumers want cable companies like Time Warner Cable to “get tough” with programmers.MYTHS AND FACTS OF THE NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN FOX AND BRIGHT HOUSE</b>

Over the past months, FOX has attempted to engage in good-faith negotiations with Time Warner Cable, which is negotiating on behalf of Bright House. As the December 31 deadline for these negotiations draws near, Bright House has launched an advertising and PR campaign that could mislead viewers. At FOX, we think viewers deserve the facts.

Myth #1: Bright House is running ads suggesting that FOX can choose to keep its programming on Bright House systems even if an agreement is not reached, so that viewers won’t lose access to the BCS College Bowl Games, including the University of Florida Gators’ Sugar Bowl appearance.

Fact: Bright House Cable is the only entity with the power to protect its subscribers from losing access to the Sugar Bowl. All that is required is reaching a fair agreement with FOX. Obviously, FOX cannot provide our programming to a cable company in absence of an agreement. No responsible business can give away its product for free – and Bright House knows it. Bright House also knows perfectly well that a fair agreement can be reached by December 31, so long as it is willing to agree to reasonable compensation for the valuable programming FOX provides.

Myth #2: Bright House Cable is asserting that FOX extended a special courtesy to Cablevision, the New York area cable provider, to allow it to carry the World Series without an agreement.

Fact: This is categorically untrue. Bright House has no knowledge of our dealings with other cable companies. Without commenting on specific negotiations, we can say that, consistent with FCC regulations, other cable companies do not carry the FOX stations in the absence of a binding agreement that gives them that right.

Myth #3: Bright House cable implies that it is actively engaged in the negotiations with FOX, as it has been in “hundreds” of similar deals they have reached with other programmers.

Fact: With the December 31 deadline fast approaching and access to the Sugar Bowl and other valued programming at risk, Bright House has taken a hands-off approach to negotiations with FOX. Instead, it has put the interests of its viewers in the hands of Time Warner Cable, which is negotiating with FOX on Bright House’s behalf. Bright House has attempted to assure its subscribers not to worry, however, Bright House needs to get in the game to ensure that negotiations work toward a fair agreement.

OT: But this is my first post :D


Kim Kardashian as a blonde for her 2011 double calendar

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Flavor Flav - "I'll Never Let You Go" Video



Zac Efron climbing a random wall on his way to the gym (nbd)


Salma Hayek's Girls' Day Out

Salma Hayek, along with daughter Valentina Paloma, 2, and stepdaughter Mathide, 9, spent some time at the Grove in Los Angeles on Tuesday (December 29).

Salma’s mother, Diana Hayek, who is in town for the holidays, joined the happy trio on their outing. The lovely ladies made a stop at the ice cream parlor and looked completely content as they strolled along with their tasty treats!

Big sister Mathide was so sweet holding little Valentina's hand as she rode all cozied up in her stroller.

Later that afternoon, Mathide and her 11-year-old brother, Francois, went on a shopping trip to Toys “R” Us with their father, and Salma's husband, François-Henri Pinault.



Peter Jackson knighted

Sir Peter Jackson has called receiving his knighthood an "incredible moment".

The honour, announced today, comes on the back of yet another box office success for Sir Peter, after his film The Lovely Bones was released on Boxing Day.
The film-maker is among five New Zealanders to become knights or dames in the New Year honours list.
Sir Peter, whose career started with the 1987 horror Bad Taste, was made a companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2002.
That followed the final in his Lord of the Rings trilogy, which won nine Academy Awards in 2004 - the most won by a single film.
In a written statement, Sir Peter called receiving the honour an "incredible moment". "I didn't think anything would surpass the 2004 Academy Awards, but I was wrong."
The honour reflected New Zealand's "film pioneers" who blazed the trail for the industry, he said.
He added that it was a tribute to his parents, Bill and Joan, "who gave me the most valuable gift of all - unqualified encouragement and unconditional support, [and] would have been beside themselves with pride at this moment".
It is understood Sir Peter is now working to adapt the Mortal Engines fantasy novels for the screen, as well as producing The Adventures of Tintin and The Hobbit. His World War II film Dambusters is due for release next year.


Police Chief Jailed For Sarah Jessica Parker Break-in

An Ohio lawman just got Carried away ... to jail!

Martins Ferry, Ohio, Police Chief Barry Carpenter was found guilty last month of snooping around the residence of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick's surrogate mother, searching for souvenirs that he tried to sell to the tabloids.

He was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison after being convicted for receiving stolen property, theft in office and tampering with evidence.

Michelle Ross, who gave birth last June to the celebrity couple's twin girls, was not at home at the time of the incident, but she discovered items misplaced.

Parker and Family

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick with their two little girls.

Among the items Carpenter ganked were a plaster cast of her belly, ultrasound pictures and various surrogate documents with tax information. Obviously.

The police chief was later caught red-handed on audiotapes recorded by internal affairs investigators approaching paparazzi to hock the mementos for cash.

The policeman did catch a break, however: He could've gotten the maximum of six years in the slammer, but he was also acquitted on charges of burglary.

His attorney said he plans to appeal the sentence.

Snooki to Jersey Shore Haters: Eff You!

Advertisers, natives of Seaside Heights, N.J., and most people with morals hate it, but Jersey Shore's Nicole Polizzi isn't worried about negative stereotypes.

When Steppin' Out magazine asked "Snooki" what she would say to all the companies who have pulled ads from the controversial MTV show, she stated:

"I just have one thing to say to Domino's, Dell, UNICO and all the other haters out there: F**k you! If you don't want to watch, then don't watch."

Snooki added: "Just shut the hell up! I'm serious... F**k you!"

You can see how she ended up getting punched in the face. We're not saying she deserved it, just that you can see where Brad Ferro was coming from.

Snooki Photo

Snooki calls herself "the f*%king Princess of Poughkeepsie." Enough said.

UNICO, the Italian-American organization that claims the show perpetuates negative stereotypes, plans to keep pressuring sponsors to boycott the show.

"She is not an embarrassment to Italian Americans. She is actually an embarrassment to the entire human race!!!!" UNICO said of Snooki in a statement.

No comment.

Italian-American groups and advertisers aren't the only ones pissed. Even the New Jersey town that's home to the series wants nothing to do with it.

Tomorrow night, they'll have even more Jersey Shore quotes to get offended by. The show returns in its usual, Thursday time slot at 10 p.m. on MTV.

Brooke Mueller Wants to Save Marriage, Move on From "Bad Night," Lawyer Says

On the other hand, perhaps Brooke Mueller does not want to divorce Charlie Sheen.

A few hours after an anonymous source said the end of this couple's marriage was definitely a possibility, a more reliable insider tells a different story.

Mueller has hired criminal defense lawyer Yale Galanter, who represented OJ Simpson for years, to represent her. Earlier today, he said to People:

"Brooke and Charlie are very passionate about each other, they love each other and want to try and save their marriage. They had a bad night and want to get beyond it. They want to try and resolve their issues."

The New Sheen Family

Responding to allegations that his client recanted her side to police, Galanter said she instead "[minimized] her story, like many wives in a similar situation do, when they realize their husband could go to jail."

The attorney has filed documents to alter the protection order put in place by Colorado police.

He says Mueller is anxious to reconnect with Sheen because "they have absolutely gorgeous little babies and will do all they can to work out their problems."

Do you agree with this approach? Do you think Mueller should divorce Sheen?

Yes, he's dangerous!
No, they have children!
It's none of our business!
View Results

Taylor Momsen: Don't Call Me Lindsay Lohan!

All Taylor Momsen wants to be taken seriously. And a music career. And to be treated like she's not 16. And not to be compared to Lindsay Lohan.

Although the 16-year-old Gossip Girl cast member has an edgy, beyond-her-years look, she resents any comparisons to another former child star.

"I get such a bad rap for being like Lindsay Lohan," Momsen says in the February issue of Seventeen, denying that she has train wreck qualities.

"I hate naming names because she's really sweet, but I don't go out. I have no desire to be some party girl. I'm a loner. I always have been."

But the actress, who made her big Hollywood debut in 2000's How the Grinch Stole Christmas, does embrace her reputation as an "angsty" teen.

16 Going on 17

"I'll be angsty until I'm 80 years old," she says. "I think it keeps things fresh. But I think that angst is such a derogatory word toward teenagers."

"It just means you're figuring sh!t out."

In addition to acting, Taylor fronts the punk-rock band The Pretty Reckless. She complains that "people don't take me seriously" because of her age.

She's different than people her age, she insists.

"[People] think most 16-year-olds don't know what they want to do. But I actually really do, because I've been thinking about [music] since I was 2."

Don't worry, Taylor. Soon you'll be 17 ... and you can then be compared to another 17-year-old who knows just what she wants: Miley Cyrus.

Are The Jonas Brothers Breaking Up?

Please say this isn't so.

Our post-Christmas doldrums were already made worse by the news that Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner were no longer a couple. We can't handle another major break-up.

But that's exactly what an anonymous source is reporting about the most popular boy band on the planet, as rumors of a Jonas Brothers split are heating up.

"Joe sees the writing on the wall for the group," a family insider told Pop Eater. "Kevin's heart is just not in the group anymore. His wife Danielle is his number one priority, especially after their wedding night!"

Whoa. TMI, random source!

Thankful Brothers

Might The Jonas Brothers be waving goodbye to their fans... forever?!?

While Kevin is reportedly too busy banging his brains out to make new music, Nick Jonas has the entirely opposite problem. Says the source:

"Nick sees himself as the next Justin Timberlake and brother Joe knows it."

There actually is some validity to that statement, as Nick's new band is going on tour in early 2010. But the next JT? Let's not get ahead of ourselves!

What do you think, readers? Could Kevin really follow in the sexy(back) foosteps of Justin Timberlake? Is Kevin really trading music for sex? Could Franke "Bonus Jonas" Jonas join the group? Sound off right now!

Mythbusters' Erik Gates Passes Away

Erik Gates, who made numerous appearances on the show Mythbusters, died recently after a freak accident in which he fell 30 feet from a building to his death.

Mythbusters is a Discovery Channel favorite and Erik Gates made regular visits to the show, where he also founded a website dedicated to his rocketry work.

Not many details are available at this time, but it is believed that Gates was walking across the roof of a building which he and a colleague were working on.

Reports are suggesting that Erik Gates fell through a skylight and suffered blunt force injuries, which he was then taken to hospital and later passed away.

This tragic loss of life is just the latest in a long string of sad celebrity deaths of 2009. We wish Erik's family and friends the best as they cope with his loss.

Erik Gates Picture