Monday, February 1, 2010

Rip Torn: Arraigned, Unintelligible

Veteran actor Rip Torn was taken to court this morning in handcuffs to face charges stemming from his unbelievable arrest in Connecticut over the weekend.

Torn allegedly broke into a bank while carrying a loaded gun. No one was hurt and the only damage was the window Torn broke to get in, but still ... wow.

The belligerent 78-year-old was charged with a list of offenses only DMX could top: Carrying a pistol without a permit, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, first-degree burglary, first-degree criminal trespass and third-degree criminal mischief.

Rip's arraignment went without incident and he seemed in good spirits afterward ... albeit completely nonsensical. Dude was babbling in some other dialect.

Let One Rip

LET 'ER RIP: The recurring 30 Rock guest star is a troubled guy.

En route to his car after posting $100,000 bail and securing his release from the slammer, Torn shouted "Pardon" and "Con permiso" at a gathering of reporters.

Par for the course, really.

He'll be back in court February 17, where he'll likely plead not guilty, according to his lawyer. Rip is also expected to enter an alcohol treatment facility this week.

Probably a good idea, as this wasn't his first drunken run-in with the law. He certainly keeps things interesting, but loaded firearms are no laughing matter.

Right, Gilbert Arenas?

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