Friday, February 26, 2010

American Idol Makes First Four Cuts

Sheryl Crow once crooned that "the first cut is the deepest."

For American Idol last night, the first four cuts were the most erroneous. Let's analyze each below:

Joe Munoz over Tim Urban?!? The latter might be cute, but did you see the look of shock on his face after Ryan told Tim he was safe? Did viewers really do Urban a favor by keeping him around and ensuring his weak vocal skills will be torn apart again and again until America comes to its senses?

Tyler Grady over Jermaine Sellers?!? We weren't fans of Grady's 1970s-inspired gimmick, either. But he made a great point (which Simon acknowledged, if you read his lips) about the judges selecting him for the semifinals... but then jumping all over him for the same schtick that got him there.

It would have been nice to have seen if Tyler had more to offer going forward, especially compared to the over-emotional nonsense that Sellers through our way this week.

Given the Boot

Janell Wheeler over Haeley Vaughn?!? Yes, Wheeler chose the wrong song. She's not a rocker. But Vaughn comes across like some sort of frightening, dressed-up doll. She just looks awkward on stage and her rendition of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" wasn't strong.

Ashley Rodriguez over Lacey Brown?!? Brown was really bad and Ashley is really good looking. Come on, voters!

At least we got to see Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen perform. And at least we can still look forward to Crystal Bowersox, Didi Benami and Andrew Garcia next week. But this was a poor start for the viewing public.

Did you agree with who was sent home? As you ponder that question, check out a few photos below from the first results show of season nine:

For HaitiGoodbye, Good LuckThere, ThereFinal Song

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