Thursday, June 10, 2010

Does Ali Fedotowsky Have an Eating Disorder?

Ali Fedotowsky wants to "crash diet" after gaining a staggering 15 pounds during and after filming The Bachelorette, according to the new issue of Us Weekly.

Either it's a really slow week at Us Weekly, or Ali has an eating disorder and/or severely low self-esteem, because ... well, have you seen her? She's so cute!

Still, "They'd retape scenes, so all she did was eat and drink," a show insider explains. After the show wrapped, "she binged while unwinding with her family."

We're not sure what's more shocking, that Ali Fedotowsky thinks she needs to lose weight, or that they re-tape scenes on The Bachelorette ... no effing way.

We feel like we've been kicked in the stomach, then again in the groin.

Beach Babe AliA-Fed Photo

Ali Fedotowsky on The Bachelorette, left, and two weeks ago. Do you think she really filled out that much? If anything, those supposed 15 pounds may look good on her.

According to the celebrity gossip tabloid, after she saw her fuller figure on the ABC series' premiere, the 25-year-old was inspired to get back into shape.

"It's been stressful watching herself," a source says of the Facebook ad rep. "She's a size 6 and not meant to be super tiny, but she wants to lose weight."

Her plan - Bachelorette spoilers alert! - a high protein diet of egg whites, calorie counting and daily runs. Not exactly anorexic/bulimic behavior, at least.

Still, is it necessary? Could the rumors that she's still single and picks no one on the season finale be playing a role in this somehow? We're quite curious.

"I'm not sure if she's lost anything yet," says the pal. "But she's trying!"

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