Sunday, June 13, 2010

Abby Sunderland Blogs: I Am Safe and Sound

Following almost a full day in which the loved ones of Abby Sunderland feared this 16-year sailor was lost at sea, a search plane made contact with Sutherland last week and assured the world:

Abby is alive and well.

Reports indicate a giant wave knocked Abby unconscious for a short period of time on Thursday before she recovered and activiated a pair of emergency satellite beacons. Since then, a French fishing vessel has scooped up Sunderland and rescued her from the harsh conditions of the Indian Ocean.

Aboard this new boat, Sunderland found time to update her blog and wrote:

"As you probably already know I had a pretty rough couple of days. The long and short of it is one long wave, and one short mast (short meaning a two-inch stub).... I just wanted to let everyone know I am safe and sound on a great big fishing boat headed I am not exactly sure where."

Abby Sunderland Photo

Abby has spoken to her parents and the family is trying to figure out the most logistical way of getting her home to California.

In her blog entry, the teenager - who was attempting to become the youngest person to ever navigate the globe on a solo sail - also addressed critics who believed she was too young to take on such an adventure.

"The truth is, I was in a storm and you don't sail through the Indian Ocean without getting in at least one storm," she wrote. "Storms are part of the deal when [you] set out to sail around the world alone.

"Since when does age create gigantic waves and storms?"

You tell us, readers: Should Abby Sunderland ever have been on the ocean by herself in the first place?

Sister-in-Law to Bruce Beresford-Redman: How Could You?!?

Late last week, Bruce Beresford-Redman showed up in court to fight for his late wife's estate.

But the most tense drama took place outside the courtroom, as the former television producer and accused murderer was confronted by Jeane Burgos, the sister of Monica Beresford-Redman.

Referring to the allegation that Bruce killed Monica on a Cancun vacation in April, Burgos screamed at him: "How could you do that to my sister?!?"

Bruce Beresford-Redman

Added Monica's other sister: "Divine justice is going to get you!"

Witnesses say Bruce hear these insults, but ignored them. He was in court to respond to questions about a will he and his wife signed in 2008. Judge Mitchell Beckloff did not make a decision about it, however, and has scheduled another hearing for June 29.

Gary Coleman Will Leaves Estate to ... Anna Gray?!

Take that, Shannon Price.

According to reports, a third Gary Coleman will has recently surfaced and it names Anna Gray, not Price, as the executor and sole beneficiary of his estate.

Price, Gary Coleman's ex-wife, has been scrambling like a madwoman to cash in on Coleman's May 28 death and make a play for control of the actor's estate.

She could be SOL now, her deplorable efforts wasted. But who is this Anna Gray and why did Gary leave her in charge of all his assets and possessions?

Coleman's agent, Robert Malcom, tells ET Gray became close friends with the child star after meeting him in 1997, and stayed at his home for months.

Later, she was named the CEO of Gary's corporation. Once the actor met Shannon Price, they relocated to Utah in 2005. Coleman married Price in 2007.

Gary Coleman Photograph

A new will suggests Gary Coleman had a mystery heir.

"When Shannon moved in, the relationship got difficult because Shannon didn't like the fact that there was somebody else in his life," Malcom tells ET.

"Of course, he sided with [Shannon], and Anna was asked to leave."

Coleman divorced Shannon Price a year later and they never remarried, although they reconciled and continued to live together until his death last month.

Claiming she was his common law wife, Price says she should inherit and control everything. The leech already sold a Gary Coleman death photo for profit.

In the 23-page will, Coleman states that he wishes "to be cremated and that there be no funeral service, wake, or ceremony memorializing my passing."

Noticeably absent from the will? Ex-wife Price, who he had not yet married when the will was written, and his estranged parents, Sue and Willie Coleman.

In the 911 call, Price said she didn't wanna be traumatized. Imagine the trauma she'll face if the will is legitimized and subverts her money-grubbing ways.

Sarah Palin Denies Boob Job Rumors

Sarah Palin has not had a boob job, thankyouverymuch.

"No, I have not had implants," she said in an interview with FOX News host Greta Van Susteren, who asked the former governor of Alaska point-blank about it.

Speculation she's had breast implants surfaced last week when pictures surfaced showing the former V.P. candidate looking, um, more voluptuous than usual.

Naturally, this being Sarah Palin, who would never squander a chance to bash the "gotcha" media, she personally addressed the Sarah Palin boob job rumors Saturday.

"A report like that is about as truthful and real as reports that Todd and I are divorcing, that I bought a place in the Hamptons or that Trigg is not my child."

Sarah Palin

Must have just been the angle, or wardrobe selection.

Calling celebrity gossip about her chest size "Boob-gate," Palin attributed the rumors to "bored, idle bloggers and reporters with nothing else to talk about."

"I think some of those folks, too, they need to perhaps grab a shovel, go down to the Gulf, volunteer to help, clean up and save a whale or something."

Oh come on. We can't contribute time and money to worthwhile causes and gossip about her possible plastic surgery? They're not mutually exclusive!

The former Alaska Governor and current professional celebrity said the speculation about her chest will make her second guess her wardrobe choices now.

"To be judged on or to be talked about on appearance, it makes me wear layers, it makes me have to waste time figuring out what am I going to wear."

"I want them to hear what it is that I'm saying, [not] look at an area that I don't need them to look at. It ends up wasting time and that's unfortunate."

Indeed. But it's entertaining!

Tinie Tempah Cover's Muse, Performs In BBC's Live Lounge

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Tinie Tempah recently performed on BBC's Live Lounge. The British rapper performed a cover of Muse's "Uprising" as well "Frisky", a song off his debut album 'The Disc-Overy'.

Below is his cover of Muse:



New Mortal Kombat 2011 Trailer. Looks amazing!


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